Introduction |
Plant Breeding and Genetics Division at NIFA focuses on the genetic improvement of economically important crops for higher and sustainable productivity endowed with better quality attributes through induced mutations and classical breeding techniques. The division has the facility of modern plant breeding tools like tissue culture, biotechnology and physiology to assist researchers to achieve targets. Wheat, okra, common bean, mungbean, oilseed brassica (rape and mustard), and stone fruits especially peach and plum are important crops being grown on substantial area in the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP). The end products of these crops are the main food items used for consumption. Although Pakistan has attained modest autarky in wheat production yet relies on heavily on imports of some pulses, edible oils (both seed, refined and raw oils), and vegetable seed to meet the domestic requirements. Its dire need of the time to increase the local production of wheat, common bean, mungbean, oilseed brassica, and vegetable seed to curtail financial burden on the national exchequer. High yielding, disease resistant and widely adaptable varieties is one of the important factors to achieve self-sufficiency in production of these crops in the country. |
Research mandate: |
Plant Breeding and Genetics Division of NIFA comprises of five research groups viz. Wheat Improvement, Vegetable Improvement, Oilseed Brassica, Pulses Improvement. Following are the main objectives of different research groups: Development of: 1. High seed yielding, disease resistant and widely adapted wheat varieties for irrigated and rain-fed areas of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa 2. High fruit yielding and best quality okra varieties 3. High seed yielding, disease tolerance and canola quality rapeseed and mustard varieties 4. High seed yielding and bold seeded common bean and mungbean varieties 5. High fruit yielding and best quality peach and plum varieties |
Research Groups |
Group |
Varieties released |
Wheat: a. Irrigated Area: b. Rainfed Area: Oilseed Brassica
Chickpea Mungbean Common Bean |