pub fsd

Khan, H., A. Zeb, Z. Ali and S. M. Shah.  2009.  Impact of five insecticides on chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) nodulation, field and nitrogen fixing rhizospheric bacteria. Soil and Environ. 28(1): 56 - 59.

Shah, S. A., S. M. Shah, W. Mohammad, M. Shafi and H. Nawaz.  2009.  N uptake and yield of wheat as influenced by integrated use of organic and mineral nitrogen International. J. Plant Prod. 3(3): 1735-6814.

Khan, H., A. Zeb, Z. Ali and S. M. Shah.  2008.  Impact of insecticidal sprays on beneficial soil microbes in Chickpea rhizosphere. Soil and Environ. 28: 56-59.

Mohammad, W., Z. shah, S. M. Shah and S. Shehzadi.  2008.  Response of irrigated and N- fertilized wheat to legume-cereal and cereal-cereal rotation. Soil and Environ. 27(2): 148-154.

Khan, H.,  2007.  Bio-geyser - A product of Nuclear Institute for Food and Agriculture (NIFA) Peshawar. Tech. Bull. NIFA, Peshawar (in Urdu) Bio/B-10/2008.

Mohammad, W.,  2007.  Integrated management of soil, water and nutrients improve crop productivity, soil fertility and water use efficiency in rainfed environment. Quart. Newsletter of Soil Sci. Soc. Pak. 8(4): 1.

Mohammad, W., S. M. Shah, S. Shehzadi, S. A. Shah and H. Nawaz.  2006.  Effect of tillage and crop residues management on cereal/legumes crops yield, water use efficiency and soil fertility in rainfed dry areas. 2nd progress report of IAEA RC No. Pak. 12983. 1-38.

Mohammad, W., A. J. Khan, S. M. Shah, S. Shehzadi and H. Nawaz.  2006.  Carbon isotope discrimination (D) and water use efficiency variation in wheat genotypes under moisture stress condition. International wheat seminar held at wheat research Institute, Faisalabad J. Agri Res.: 29-30.

Mohammad, W., S. M. Shah, S. Shehzadi, S. A. Shah and H. Nawaz.  2006.  Wheat and oat yields and water use efficiency as influenced by tillage under rainfed condition. Soil Environ. 25 (1): 48-54.

Shah, S. M., W. Mohammad, S. A. Shah and H. Nawaz.  2006.  Integrated nitrogen management of young deciduous apricot orchard. Soil Environ. 25(1): 59-63.

Alam, S. M., S. A. Shah, S. Ali and M. M. Iqbal.  2005.  Yield and phosphorus-uptake by crops as influence by chemical fertilizer and integrated use of industrial by products. Songklanakarin J. Sci. Technology. 27(1): 9-16.

Heng, L. K., G. Cai, M. V. Ramana, M. S. Sachdev, M. M. Rusanet al.  2005.  The effect of soil fertility, crop management on carbon isotope discrimination and their relation ship with  yield and water use efficiency of crops in Semi-arid and arid environments. IAEA Tech. Doc. No.1468. 15-42.

Iqbal, M. M., J.Akhter, W. Mohammad, S. M. Shah, H. Nawaz and K. Mahmood.  2005.  Effect of tillage and fertilizer levels on wheat yield, nitrogen uptake and their correlation with carbon isotope discrimination under rainfed conditions in northwest Pakistan. Soil Tillage Res. 80: 47-57.

Mohammad, W., S. M. Shah, M. M. Iqbal and H. Nawaz.  2005.  Increasing crop production in rainfed dry areas by improved water and nutrient management using nuclear techniques. IAEA Tech. Doc. No.1468. 107-126.

Mohammad, W., S. M. Shah, S. Shehzadi, S. A. Shah and H. Nawaz.  2005.  Integrated management of soil, water and nutrient for improving crop productivity, soil fertility, water use efficiency and environmental protection in rainfed areas of NWFP. 1st progress report of IAEA RC. No. Pak. 12983. 1-12.

Alam, S. M., S. A. Shah and S. Ali.  2004.  Differential response of wheat cultivars to phosphorus application. Pak. J. Soil Sci. 23: 1-2.

Alam, S. M., S. Tahir, S. A. Shah and S. Ali.  2004.  Phosphorus management in wheat-rice rotation through integrated use of fertilizers. Beneficial effects on yield and profitability. Pak. J. Soil Sci. 23: 1-2.

Khan, H., M. Idris and H. Nawaz.  2004.  Importance of organic manures. Zaraat Sarhad (In Urdu). 27: 35-37.

Khan, H., M. Idris and H. Nawaz.  2004.  Hayiatiati Aur Namyaati khadon Ki Ahmiat. Zaraat Sarhad (In Urdu). 27(6-8): 35-37.

Khan, H. and H. Nawaz,  2004.  Effect of humic acid on nodulation and yield of chickpea. . Proc.10th Int. Soil Sci. Cong. SAU, Tandojam. 27-30.

Khan, H. N.,  2004.  Potassium in soils and crops. Proc. Nat. Exec. Symp. on Technol. for Comm. Challen. opport.: 8-14.

Nawaz, K. H., M. M. Iqbal, S. M. Shah and H. Khan.  2004.  Evolution of most effective and economical mulch for commonly grown rabi crops. Pak. J. Soil Sci. 22(3): 24-27.

Shah, Z., W. Mohammad, S. M. Shah and M. M. Iqbal.  2004.  Yield and N2 fixation of lentil and chickpea as influenced by tillage and P levels at farmer field under rain-fed conditions. . Sarhad J. Agric. 20(2): 245-249.

Alam, S. M., S. A. Shah and S. Ali.  2003.  Effect of time and method of phosphorus application and fodder yield and P uptake by berseem Pak. J. Soil Sci. 22(3): 77-82.

Alam, S. M., S. A. Shah, S. Ali and M. M. Iqbal.  2003.  Wheat yield and P fertilizer efficiency as influenced by rate and integrated use of chemical and organic fertilizers. Pak. J. Soil Sci. 22(2): 72-76.

Alam, S. M., S. A. Shah and M. Akhter.  2003.  Varietal differences in wheat yield and phosphorus use efficiency as influenced by method of phosphorus application. Songklanakarin J. Sci. Technology. 25 (2): 175-181.

Alam, S. M. and S. A. Shah,  2003.  Effect of zinc boron application on two rice genotypes. Pak. J. Soil Sci. 22 (2): 67-71.

Mohammad, W., Z. Shah, S. M. Shah and M. M. Iqbal.  2003.  Wheat yield, fertilizer N utilization and water use efficiency as influenced by tillage and phosphorous levels under rainfed conditions. Pak. J. Soil Sci. 22(1): 11-18.

Mohammad, W., S. M. Shah, M. M. Iqbal and H. Nawaz.  2003.  Increasing crop production in rain fed dry areas by improved water and nutrient management using nuclear techniques. IAEA Tech. Doc. No .1468. 107-126.

Mohammad, W., Z. Shah, S. M. Shah and M. M. Iqbal.  2003.  Rotational benefits of legumes to subsequent rain-fed wheat in a low N soil. Pak. J. Soil Sci. 22(1): 19-27.

Nawaz, H., M. M. Iqbal, S. M. Shah and H. Khan.  2003.  Evaluation of most economical and effective mulch for commonly grown crops in barani area of NWFP. Pak. J. Soil Sci. 22: 24-27.

Shehzadi, S., S. Ali and S. S. Ijaz.  2003.  Role of Phosphorus and Inoculation in Nitrogen Fixation by Soybean Selection NARC-6. Pak. J. Soil Sci. 22(1): 87-91.

Alam, S. M., S. A. Shah, A. Latif and Z. Iqbal.  2002.  Performance of some wheat varieties to fertigation applied phosphorus sources. Pak. J. Soil Sci. 21(1-2): 73-78.

Alam, S. M. and S. A. Shah,  2002.  Phosphorus uptake and yield of wheat as influenced by integrated use of phosphatic fertilizers. Pak. J. Agric. Sci. 39(4): 265-268.

Alam, S. M. and S. A. Shah,  2002.  Variability of wheat varieties for P efficiency at two phosphorus levels. Pak. J. Soil Sci. 21(2): 1-6.

Idris, M., M. M. Iqbal, S. M. Shah and W. Mohammad.  2002.  The integrated effect of mineral and organic nitrogen, and Azotobacterization on the yield and nitrogen nutrition of wheat. Pak. J. Soil. Sci. 21: 36-42.

Khan, H., M. Idris and M. M. Iqbal.  2002.  Establishment of natural nodulation and N2 fixation in lentil (Lens culnaris) by repeated cultivation and inoculation. Pak. J. Soil Sci. 21: 37-40.

Shah, S. M., W. Mohammad, M. M. Iqbal, H. Nawaz and M. Idris.  2002.  Influence of nitrogen supply on the growth performance of a young non-bearing plum orchard. Pak. J. Soil Sci. 21(4): 5-8.

Idris, M., M. M. Iqbal and S. M. Shah.  2001.  Food Production and Environmental hazards in Pakistan. Sci. Int. Lahore. 13(4): 365-376.

Idris, M., S. M. Shah, W. Mohammad and M. M. Iqbal.  2001.  Integrated use of mineral and organic nitrogen and phosphorus on the yield, yield components, N and P uptake by wheat (T.aestivum L). . Pak. J. Soil. Sci. 20: 77-80.

Idris, M. and W. Mohammad,  2001.  Integerated use of mineral and organic nitrogen on the yield and nitrogen nutrition of wheat (T. aestivum L). Pak. J. Soil Sci.(20): 41-50.

Khalil, S. A., N. Badshah, M. A. Kauser, M. Ayaz and S. A. Shah.  2001.  Response of tomato to different nitrogen fertilizer alone and in combination with phosphorus and potassium. Sarhad J. Agric. 17(2): 213-217.

Khan, H., M. Idris, S. M. Shah and M. M. Iqbal.  2001.  Establishment of natural nodulation and N2-fixation in soybean (Glycine max) by repeated cultivation and inoculation. Pak. J. Soil Sci. 20: 73-76.

Shah, S. M., M. M. Iqbal, W. Mohammad, H. Nawaz and M. Idris.  2001.  Phosphorus application to potato through irrigation. Pak. J. Soil Sci. 20: 51-54.

Latif, A., S. M. Alam, Z. Iqbal and S. A. Shah.  2000.  Effect of fertigation applied nitrogen and phosphorus on yield and composition of maize. Pak. J. Soil Sci. 19 (2): 23-26.

Mohammad, W., M. M. Iqbal, S. M. Shah, H. Nawaz and N. Basar.  2000.  Yield of potato and nitrogen fertilizer use efficiency as influenced by nitrification inhibitors. Pak. J. Soil Sci. 18: 7-12.

Iqbal, M. M., S. M. Shah, W. Mohammad and H. Nawaz.  1999.  Growth parameters of a young plum orchard as influenced by timing of nitrogen application. Proc. Symp. Integ. Plant Nut. Manag. NFDC, Islamabad. 312-315.

Iqbal, M. M., S. M. Shah, W. Mohammad and H. Nawaz.  1999.  Field response of potato subjected to water stress at different growth stages. C.Kirda et al (Eds). Crop yield response to deficit irrigation. Kluwer Acad. Publishers. 213-217.

Khan, H., M. Idris and M. M. Iqbal.  1999.  Evaluation of mungbean genotypes for biological nitrogen fixation parameters using N-15 isotope dilution technique. Pak. J. Soil. Sci. 16: 25-28.

Mohammad, W., S. M. Shah, H. Nawaz and M. M. Iqbal.  1999.  Interactive effect of nitrogen, zinc and boron on yield and nutrient uptake by rapeseed. Pak. J. Soil Sci. 16: 111-114.

Tariq, M., S. A. Rizvi, M. J. Khan and Z. Ali.  1999.  Effect of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium on sugar quality of sugarbeet in Peshawar valley – II. Sci. Khyber. 12(2): 49-52.

Khan, H., M. Idris and M. M. Iqbal.  1998.  Screening of chickpea genotypes for natural nodulation and N2-fixation capacity using isotope dilution technique. Proc. Nat. Symp. “Plant Nut. Manag. for Sustain. Agric. Growth”  Islamabad. 361-363.

Khattak, S. U., A. U. Khan, S. M. Shah, A. Zeb and M. M. Iqbal.  1998.  Effect of NPK fertilizers on aphid infestation and crop yield in rapeseed. The Nucleus. 35(3-4): 201-203.

Mohammad, W., M. M. Iqbal, S. M. Shah and H. Nawaz.  1998.  Evaluation of nitrification inhibitors to improve fertilizer nitrogen use efficiency by potato crop. Trop. Agric. 75(2): 21-24.

Nawaz, H., M. S. Arain, M. M. Iqbal, S. M. Shah and W. Mohammad.  1998.  Interactive effect of P,K and Zn application on lentil yield and nutrient uptake. Pak. J. Soil Sci. 15: 37-41.

Rizvi, S. A., M. Tariq, M. Afzal, Z. Ali and A.Malik.  1998.  Effect of nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potassium on Sugarbeet production in Peshawar valley. Sci. Khyber. 11(2): 29-33.

Idris, M., H. Khan and M. M. Iqbal.  1997.  Seasonal survey of Azotobacter population in some selected soils of Peshawar Valley. NWFP, Pakistan. Pak. J. Soil Sci. 12(4): 86-98.

Iqbal, M. M., S. M. Shah, W. Mohammad and H. Nawaz.  1997.  Effect of growing season on response of potato to water stress. Sci. Int. Lahore. 9(2): 155-156.

Iqbal, M. M., S. M. Shah, H. Nawaz and W. Mohammad.  1997.  Response of wheat to nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium fertilization on different soil series. Proc. Symp. Integ. Plants Nutrient Manage. NFDC Islamabad. 161-165.

Khan, H., N. H. Mahmood and M. M. Iqbal.  1997.  Response of five lentil genotypes to artificial inoculation using N-15 as tracer. The Nucleus. 34(1-2): 161-163.

Nawaz, H., M. M. Iqbal, S. M. Shah and W. Mohammad.  1997.  Effect of potash application on K release. Int. Fert. Correspondent. 1: 7.

Nawaz, H., M. M. Iqbal, S. M. Shah and W. Mohammad.  1997.  Potassium release characteristics of five Sind soil as influenced by cumulative potash application. Proc. Symp. Plant Nut. on Manag. for Sustainable Agric. Growth, NFDC Islamabad. 167-170.

Shah, Z., W. Mohammad and M. Afzal.  1997.  Yield and nitrogen content of wheat as influenced by nitrification inhibitors Sci. Khyber. 4(2): 1-12.

Shah, Z., W. Mohammad and M. Afzal.  1997.  Transformation of Ammonium as influenced by nitrapyrin under field conditions. Sarhad J. Agric. 13(4): 383-389.

Iqbal, M. M., S. M. Shah, W. Mohammad and H. Nawaz.  1996.  Irrigation scheduling of potato using soil and climatic criteria. Pak. J. Soil Sci. 11(1, 2): 87-90.

Khattak, S. U., A. U. Khan, S. M. Shah, A. Zeb and M. M. Iqbal.  1996.  Effect of nitrogen and phosphorus fertilization on aphid infestation and crop yield of three rapeseed cultivars. Pak. J. Zool. 28: 335-338.

Idris, M., W. Mohammad, S. M. Shah and M. M. Iqbal.  1995.  Effect of sulphur on the growth and nitrogen fixation parameters of Sesbania aculeate. Sci. Int. Lahore. 7(2): 225-226.

Iqbal, M. M., S. M. Shah, W. Mohammad and H. Nawaz.  1995.  Field response of potato subjected to water stress at different growth stages. IAEA Tech. Doc. No. 888. 175-185.

Iqbal, M. M., S. M. Shah, K. Hussain and S. H. Siddiqui.  1995.  Crop Nitrogen recovery and soil N residue from N-15 labeled urea applied to wheat. Proc. of FAO/IAEA Regional Seminar for Asia and specific held at Colombo, Srilanda 5-9 April 1993 IAEA Tech. Doc. No. 785. 43-49.

Iqbal, M. M., S. M. Shah, W. Mohammad and H. Nawaz.  1995.  Crop yield response to water stress imposed at different stages. IAEA Soils Newsletter.(18): 29.

Iqbal., M. M., S. M. Shah, W. Mohammad and H. Nawaz.  1995.  Effect of graded levels of N and P on growth, yield and nutrient uptake by rapeseed. . Sci. Int. Lahore. 7 (2): 207-9.

Khan, H., A. Mashiatullah, N. H. Mahmood and M. M. Iqbal.  1995.  Effect of artificial inoculation and added nitrogen on yield and N2-fixing capacity of chickpea and lentil. The Nucleus. 32 (2): 99-101.

Khan, H., N. H. Mahmood, A. Mashiatullah and M. M. Iqbal.  1995.  Effect of insecticides on the growth and survival of Rhizobia. Sci. Int. Lahore. 7(2): 233.

Khan, H. N.,  1995.  Effect of nitrogen fertilizer rates on dry matter yield and symbiotic nitrogen fixation by fababeans. Pak. J. Soil Sci. 10: 72-73.

Khan, H. N. and M. S. Arain,  1995.  Depthwise distribution of potassium and its relationship with some soil properties. Pak. J. Agric. Engg. Vet. Sci. 11(2): 37-41.

Mahmood, N. H., H. Khan and M. M. Iqbal.  1995.  Isolation and characterization of sulphur bacteria from local soil. Sci. Int. Lahore. 7(2): 203-204.

Mahmood, N. H., H. Khan, A. Mashiatullah and M. M. Iqbal.  1995.  Evaluation of Brady rhizobium strains for nodulation and N2-fixation in soybean. Pak. J. Sci. Ind. Res. 38 (1): 40-50.

Mohammad, W., S. M. Shah, M. M. Iqbal and H. Nawaz.  1995.  Evaluation of compost fertilizer (Zarkhez) as nitrogen source for maize and soybean. . Sci. Int. Lahore. 7 (2): 205-206.

Mohammad, W., S. M. Shah and M. M. Iqbal.  1995.  Nutritional status of deciduous fruit orchards (plum) as determined by leaf analysis. Sarhad J. Agric. 11 (4): 523-526.

Nawaz, H., M. M. Iqbal, S. M. Shah and W. Mohammad.  1995.  Response of ‘Soghat’ wheat to potassium application. Sci. Int. Lahore. 7(2): 223-224.

Shah, S. M., W. Mohammad, M. M. Iqbal and H. Nawaz.  1995.  Influence of water supply on the yield and nutrient uptake by rapeseed. Sci. Int. Lahore. 7(2): 219-220.

Shah, S. M., W. Mohammad and M. M. Iqbal.  1995.  Micronutrient status of salt affected soils of Mardan District. The Nucleus. 32 (2): 91-93.

Iqbal, M. M., S. M. Shah, W. Mohammad and H. Nawaz.  1994.  Critical growth stages of potato for applying irrigation water. Proc. 2nd All Pak. Sci. Conf. Lahore. 164-166.

Iqbal, M. M., S.K.Hussain, S.H.Siddiqui and S. M. Shah.  1994.  Fate of labelled urea applied to irrigated wheat in a clay soil. In efficient use of plant nutrients. Proc. 4th Nat. Cong. of Soil Sci. Islamabad. 161-167.

Khan, H. N., M. M. Iqbal, S. M. Shah and W. Mohammad.  1994.  Response of wheat mutant M-154 to potassium application. In Science International. Proc. 2nd All Pak. Sci. Conf. Lahore. 173-174.

Mohammad, W., S. M. Shah, M. M. Iqbal and H. Nawaz.  1994.  Timing of nitrogen application to rapeseed. Pak. J. Soil Sci. 9: 34-37.

Mohammad, W., S. M. Shah, M. M. Iqbal and H. Nawaz.  1994.  Increasing rapeseed production by mixed cropping. Proc. 2nd All Pak. Sci. Conf. Dec. 26-30, 1993, Lahore. 171-172.

Nawaz, H., M. Saeed, M. M. Iqbal, S. M. Shah and W. Mohammad.  1994.  Growth and yield of seed cotton as influenced by micronutrients. Sarhad J. Agric. 10: 21-25.

Shah, S. M., W. Mohammad, M. M. Iqbal and H. Nawaz.  1994.  Yield of oilseed rape as influenced by micronutrient application. Proc. 2nd All Pak. Sci. Conf. Lahore. 169-170.

Idris, M., S. M. Shah and M. M. Iqbal.  1993.  Effect of sulphur on growth nodulation and nitrogen fixing capacity of berseem. In Science International Proc. 2nd All Pak. Sci. Conf. Lahore. 175-177.

Khan, H. N. and A. U. Bhatti,  1993.  Reclamation of sodic soils with gypsum and salt tolerant crops. J. Sci. Technol. 7: 1-3.

Iqbal, M. M., S. M. Shah and W. Mohammad.  1992.  The use of nuclear and related techniques in assessment of irrigation schedules of field crops to increase effective use of water. IAEA Soils Newsletter. 15(1): 12.

Iqbal, M. M., S. M. Shah and W. Mohammad.  1992.  Effect of cumulative application of micronutrients on yield and uptake by wheat and mungbean crops. Proc. 3rd Nat. Cong. Soil Sci.Soil Health for Sustain. Agric. Lahore. 421-427.

Mohammad, W., S. M. Shah and M. M. Iqbal.  1992.  Effect of nutrient interactions on yield and nutrient content of chickpea. In: Soil Health for Sustainable Agriculture. . Proc. 3rd Nat. Cong. Soil Sci. Lahore. 160-164.

Shah, S. M., M. M. Iqbal and W. Mohammad.  1992.  Effect of N-sources on the availability of zinc to wheat. Proc. 3rd Nat. Cong. Soil Sci. Soil Health for Sus. Agric. Lahore. 351-335.

Khan, H. N. and M. S. Arain,  1991.  Potassium release characteristics of soils through cropping. Pak. J. Sci. Ind. Res. 34(9): 339-41.

Khan, H., A. Mashiatullah, N. H. Mahmood and M. M. Iqbal.  1990.  Evaluation of chickpea genotypes for biological nitrogen fixation potential. Pak. J. Sci. Ind. Res. 33 (3): 117-118.

Mohammad, W., M. M. Iqbal and S. M. Shah.  1990.  Effect of mode of application of zin and iron on yield of wheat (cv Pak-81). Sarhad J. Agric. 6(6): 615-618.

Shah, S. M., N. H. Khan, W. Mohammad and M. M. Iqbal.  1990.  Influence of phosphorus supply on the availability of copper to wheat under field conditions. Proc. Role Phosph. Crop Prod. Islamabad, Pakistan.: 409-414.

Shah, S. M., N. H. Khan and M. M. Iqbal.  1989.  Phosphorus-copper interaction studies in maize under field condition. Sarhad J. Agric. 5: 311-313.

Idris, M., H. Khan and F. Mahmood.  1988.  Effect of Rhizobium inoculation and application of phosphorus on the growth, yield and nitrogen fixation of soybean. MIRCEN J. Microbiol. 4(2): 215-222.

Iqbal, M. M., S. M. Shah and W. Mohammad.  1988.  Cumulative and residual effect of micronutrient in soils and crops. Proc. Nat. Semin. Micronut. Soil Crop Pakistan. 125-131.

Iqbal, M. M., S. M. Shah and W. Mohammad.  1988.  Micronutrient status of some soils, sugarcane plants and irrigation waters of Charsadda. Proc. Nat. Semin. Micron. Soil and Crop in Pakistan. 149-155.

Khan, H. N. and M. S. Arain,  1988.  Potassium and Zinc relationship in corn. Proc. Nat. Semin. micro-nutrients in Soils Crops Peshawar. 168-174.

Khan, H. N. and M. S. Arain,  1988.  Evalaution of reference crops in study of nitrogen fixation by common beans. Pak. J. Sci. Ind. Res. 31: 279-281.

Saeed, M. and S. M. Shah,  1988.  Residual availability of applied zinc. Management of soil resources. . Proc. Ist Nat. Cong. of Soil Sci. Lahore. 250-254.

Khan, H., A. Mashiatullah, N. H. Mahmood and M. M. Iqbal.  1987.  Response of berseem to zinc fertilization and artificial inoculation by R. Trifollii. Sarhad J. Agric. 34(4): 555-559.

Mohammad, W., S. M. Shah and M. M. Iqbal.  1987.  Evaluation of Algifert as a yield promoting material for different crops. Proc. 3rd Nat. Conf. of Plant Sci.: 130-132.

Nawaz, K. H.,  1987.  Effect of induced nitrogen deficiency on nitrogen fixation. The Nucleus. 24: 39-41.

Shah, S. M., A. D. Robson and M. M. Iqbal.  1987.  Effect of zinc supply on the dry weight and distribution of zinc in lupin and soybean in solution culture. Proc. 3rd Nat. Conf. Pl. Scientists. Pl. Sci. Res. Pak.: 130-132.

Shah, S. M., W. Mohammad, N. H. Khan and M. M. Iqbal.  1987.  Zinc availability to wheat at various zinc and soil moisture levels. Pak. J. Sci. Ind. Res. 30: 846-849.

Khan, H., A. Mashiatullah, N. H. Mahmood and M. M. Iqbal.  1986.  Response of soybean to artificial inoculation and different levels of applied nitrogen. The Nucleus. 23(3,4): 37-39.

Khan, H. N., A. U. Bhatti and R. Amin.  1986.  Categorization and reclamation of salt affected soils of D.I.Khan. Pak. J. Agric. Res. 7: 68-70.

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Shah, S. M., W. Mohammad and M. M. Iqbal.  1986.  Effect of zinc fertilization on the forage yield and uptake in berseem. The Nucleus. 23(2): 37-39.

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Bhatti, A. U. and H. N. Khan,  1977.  Effect of different mulches on germination and yield of Swabi White maize. Frontier J. Agric. Res. 4: 24-29.

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