S.No | Title of Project | Donor Agency |
1 | Technological and economical feasibility of radiation preservation of potatoes | CRP/IAEA |
2 | Commercial trials on radiation preservation of onions under tropical conditions | CRP/IAEA |
3 | Radiation preservation of dried fruits | TC/IAEA |
4 | Food Irradiation process control and acceptance | CRP/IAEA |
5 | Standardization of detection method for irradiated dried fruits and tree nuts | CRP/IAEA |
6 | Nutritional and physiological evaluation of Red Palm Oil (Carotino) | PORIM Malaysia |
7 | Radiation treatment of minimally processed fruits and vegetables for ensuring hygienic quality | CRP/IAEA |
8 | Radiation as SPS Treatment | RCA/IAEA |
9 | Fortification of Vanaspati Ghee in Pakistan with red palm oil as a natural source of Vitamin A. | MPOB Malaysia |
10 | Iron fortification of roller milled wheat flour in Pakistan | MI Canada |
11 | Application of Irradiation for Improving Food Safety, Security and Trade (RAS/5/042) | RCA/IAEA |
12 | Radiation decontamination of commercial poultry feed | PSF |
13 | Coordinated between NIFA and NIH “Estimation of goitrogenous substances in foods and their relationship with the prevalence of goiter” | NIH |
14 | Coordinated research project between NIFA and NIH A) Nutritional enhancement of cereals and grain legumes through sprouting and its utilization as food. B) Amylose contents of different food commodities; influence of household processing on the amylase contents of these foods. | NIH |
15 | Harmonization of Radiation Protection (RAS/9/029) | RCA/IAEA |
16 | Development of processing method for pectin as value added product from citrus peel waste | PSF |
17 | Novel applications of food irradiation technology for improving socio-economic development (RAS/5/046) | RCA/IAEA |
18 | Screening and development of low phytate bread wheat mutants in Pakistan | RCA/IAEA |
19 | Better utilization of food for health and productive life in agriculture sector (Coordinated project with NWFP Agric. Univ. Peshawar) | ALP |
20 | Fortification and physicochemical evaluation of canola & sunflower oil with sea buckthorn oil . | HEC |
21 | Mushroom cultivation and popularization as cottage industry in NWFP | PSF |
22 | Design and fabrication of a laboratory size screw extruder for conservation of agro-based materials into value added food and feed products | PSF |
23 | Coordinated between NIFA and NIH “Estimation of goitrogenous substances in foods and their relationship with the prevalence of goiter” | NIH |
24 | Coordinated research project between NIFA and NIH A) Nutritional enhancement of cereals and grain legumes through sprouting and its utilization as food. B) Amylose contents of different food commodities; influence of household processing on the amylase contents of these foods. | NIH |
25 | Preventing osteoporosis and promoting bone mass in Asian Populations using a food based approach (RAS/6/041) | IAEA |
26 | Development of irradiated foods for immuno-compromised patients and other target groups | IAEA |
27 | Development and validation of technologies for pesticide residue management in fruit and vegetables produce (PSF/NSLP (203) | PSF/NSLP |
28 | Pilot scale development of bio-pesticides and other environmental friendly techniques for the promotion of Green Growth Technologies Dost. | DoST |
29 | HRD developed through transfer of technology “to arrange training courses for “mushroom cultivation” in various zones of KPK DoST. | DoST |
30 | Storage stability of iodine in iodized salt collected from geo-climatical zones of Pakistan, MI, Pakistan | MI, Pakistan |
31 | Development of market life enhancement technology of persimmon and its dissemination to growers. ALP | ALP |
32 | 1. Development of nutria-food products
2. Fortification of commonly consumed edible oil in non-conventional oil |
33 | Design and fabrication of single screw extruder for conversion of agro-based materials into value added food & feed products | PSF |
34 | Development of innovative Nutraceutical products from herbal ingredients | PSF |
35 | Adaptation of Electron Beam Irradiation to Treat MREs and Fruits & Vegetables in Pakistan | IAEA |
36 | Commercialization of existing technology of mushroom and popularization of Oyster and Milky mushrooms as cottage industry for economic uplift of landless communities of KPK, Baluchistan & upper Punjab | PSF |
37 | Production of indigenous food bio-preservatives from the micro flora isolated from the fermented dairy products | ALP |
38 | Development of Low Cost Zero-Energy Cooling Chambers for Field Heat Removal and Storage of Fruits and Vegetables and its Transfer to Small Farmers (AE-033) | ALP |
39 | Strengthening National Capabilities to Mitigate Vitamin A Deficiency in the Pakistani Vulnerable Population Using Stable Isotope Techniques | IAEA |
40 | Development of Rapid Test Kit (RTK) for Qualitative Determination of Peroxide Value (POV) in Oil/Fats | PAEC |
41 | Adaptation of Low Energy Machine Generated Radiation Sources for Surface Decontamination and Disinfestation of Food in Pakistan | IAEA |
42 | Development of hybrid indirect type solar dryer for drying of fruits and vegetables (AE-001) | ALP |
43 | PAK 5053: Strengthening and Enhancing National Capabilities for the Development of Climate Smart Crops, Improvement in Animal Productivity and Management of Soil, Water, and Nutrient Resources Using Nuclear and Related Techniques: | TC/IAEA |