What is Vitamin A ? |
Vitamin A, is an oil–soluble nutrient, is essentially required in small amounts by human body for the normal functioning of the reproduction, visual and immune systems, the maintenance of cellular integrity, growth and development. |
Vitamin A Deficiency |
Vitamin A deficiency is a common public health problem in more than 70 countries of the developing world. The WHO reported that about 3 million children are likely to exhibit xerophthalmia and children of preschool age in the range of 250,000 - 500,000 are at risk in terms of their health and survival. Vitamin A deficiency, in Pakistani population, has reached an alarmingly situation. The estimated prevalence of clinical vitamin-A deficiency in Pakistan is 0.8% while that of sub-clinical 17.6%. The most effective and sustainable methods of combating vitamin A deficiency are through food-based strategies. Dietary diversification and food fortification are the two major foods – based intervention programs, among which the only viable option is food fortification. WHO and UNICEF have implemented vitamin A capsule supplementation in many emerging countries, but this activity did not remained sustain for long time. Several countries including Pakistan have passed regulations to fortify oils with synthetic vitamin A, but this addition has not been able to alleviate this deficiency. This situation warrants measures to prevent its severe health implications of Vitamin A. Fortification of VG with some natural source of vitamin A precursor seems to be the potential alternative. |
Testing Red Palm Oil as a Fotificant for Vitamin A |
Red palm oil (RPO) is a rich natural source of β-carotene (500-700ppm) along with other micronutrients. A collaborative research project was designed and conducted by Nuclear Institute for Food and Agriculture (NIFA) and Malaysian Palm Oil Board (MPOB) at three different geographical locations of Pakistan Punjab, Sindh and NWFP. Three ghee mills one on each experimental site produced Red palm oil fortified vanaspati (RPOFV) ghee, in which 6% RPO was added replacing synthetic Vitamin A, to cater the needs of 1500 selected human volunteers from vulnerable population.A significant increase of 30-40% was observed in the β-carotene and vitamin A levels in blood picture of the individuals consuming RPOFV ghee. |