Principal Scientist/ Group Leader
Phone: 92-91-2964060-62 Ext.# 278

Phone: 92-91-2964793

Fax: 92-91-2964059

Cell: 92-304-0501455



  • Ph.D. Natural Resources & Life Sciences
  • Organic farming, Climate Smart Agriculture, Development of nutrients enriched biofertilizer product
  • 1997: Awarded with Gold Medal for Securing First Position in B.Sc. (Hons.) Agriculture, at University of Arid Agriculture, Rawalpindi, Pakistan
  • 1999: Awarded with Certificate of Merit for securing First Position in the Department of Agronomy during M.Sc. (Hons.) Agriculture, at University of Arid Agriculture, Rawalpindi, Pakistan
  • 2002: Received honorarium in recognition to dedicated work for farm management from Chairman, Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission
  • 2007: Awarded with scholarship for Ph.D. (2007-2011) from Austria under Overseas Scholarship Scheme of Higher Education Commission, Government of Pakistan
  • 2011: Passed Ph.D. with Distinction from University of Natural Resources & Life Sciences, Vienna, Austria, Central Europe
  1. Raza A., Z. Ali and S. A. Ali. 2023. Standardization of protocol for the formulation of compost tea and its efficacy study on potato. Pure Appl. Biol., 12(2): 1044-1055.
  2. Raza A., Z. Ali and S. A. Ali. 2022. Development and transfer of dual technology of bio-geyser and agro-waste composting. Pure Appl. Biol., 11(1): 44-50.
  3. Raza A., M. Imtiaz, Z. Ali and S. A. Ali. 2020. Addressing vulnerability of Agriculture Sector to Climate Change in Pakistan. Pak. J. Agri., Agri. Engg. Vet. Sci., 36(2): 106-119.
  4. Raza A., S. A. Asad and W. Mohammad. 2018. Organic Agriculture for Food Security in Pakistan. In: Licthfouse E. (Ed.), Waste Recycling and Fertilisation, Sustainable Agriculture Reviews, 32: 247-269, Springer Nature, Switzerland AG.
  5. Raza A., Z. Ali, M. Imtiaz and W. Mohammad. 2016. Identification of nitrogen use efficient and deep rooted wheat genotypes. Pak. J. Agri., Agri. Engg. Vet. Sci., 32(1): 1-8.

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